Events and Retreats

Come, and join us to explore the ecstasy within a conscious community. A spiritual journey awaits those seeking healing through sincere and authentic human connections, music, dance, and joy!

Ezgi Devi hosts Conscious Connecting events, ceremonies, and retreats, sharing different tools of somatic healing such as Ecstatic Dance, Sound Healing, and Plant Medicine rituals along with meditation and breathwork practices for everybody to taste different healing modalities through a loving community experience.

Ecstatic Dance, Sound Healing, and Plant Medicine practices have been used since ancient times to tap into a trance state that promotes spiritual awakening, physical stamina, emotional well-being as well as mental clarity.

Ezgi Devi and her co-healer collaborators are here to assist with helping you ground the divine and blissful energy of these sacred practices into your being in a safe space where you are fully supported to go within and get in touch with the deepest parts of your psyche.

Fill out our newsletter sign-up form below and get notified of our events and retreats first!

With love ✨

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