Yin Yoga Poses for the Root Chakra

By using only these 10 postures below, you can create a 20-30 min yin sequence to balance your root chakra on your own! Grab a block just in case you might need it for forward folds and place it under your forehead if needed.

Malasana – Yogi Squat

Begin with standing pose Tadasana. Step your feet about as wide as your mat and keep your feet flat on the ground. Slowly bend your knees and lower your hips, getting into a squat. Separate your thighs and place your elbows inside your knees. Bring your hands together in front of your heart in Anjali mudra (prayer). Push your knees sideways with your elbows. Keep your spine straight, shoulders down, and away from your ears. Draw shoulder blades towards one another and keep your chest open. Stay in the pose for around 2-3 minutes while repeating an affirmation for the root chakra.

Vajrasana on toes – Toe Squat – Thunderbolt pose toe variation

Start with kneeling down, keeping your knees together. Place the hands on your legs, sit back on your heels, rising up onto the balls of your feet. Stay on your toes as you keep the spine straight and core muscles engaged to protect the lower back. Stay in the pose for around 2-3 minutes while repeating an affirmation for the root chakra.

Vajrasana knees-up – Ankle Stretch

Start by kneeling on the floor with your toes untucked. Point your toes back and sit back on your legs. Slowly lean back, lengthening the top of the foot. As you lean back, lift your knees off the floor. Place your hands comfortably on the floor behind you about shoulder-width apart. To get more comfortable you can point your fingers forward and bend your elbows a little (like below). Stay in the pose for around 2-3 minutes while repeating an affirmation for the root chakra.

Janu Sirsasana – Head to Knee

Start with sitting on the floor, keeping your left leg straight. Bend your right knee, placing your right foot on your left inner thigh. Rotate your body towards your left leg and gently fold your body forward on your left leg. Place your head on your knee. If you’re not able to reach it, it’s okay to stay wherever you are without pushing your body. In that case, always keep a block around and place it under your forehead (like below). Stay in the pose for around 2-3 minutes while repeating an affirmation for the root chakra. Do not forget to repeat the pose for the other side. For each side, use a different affirmation.

Utthan Pristhasana Variation – Dragon Pose with quad stretch

Start down on all fours. Place your hands on the floor with shoulder distance apart. Step your right foot forward next to your right hand in between the palms. Align your right knee over the top of your ankle. Keep your left knee and lower leg on your mat. If you wanna go deeper in the pose, rotate your body to your right, bending your left knee. Catch a hold of your left foot behind with your right palm. Stay in the pose for around 2-3 minutes while repeating an affirmation for the root chakra. Do not forget to repeat the pose for the other side. For each side, use a different affirmation.

Deer Pose

Start with sitting on the floor on your hips. Bend your right knee, keeping your right shin parallel to the short edge of your mat. Swing your left leg back keeping your left shin parallel to the long edge of your mat. you can place your hands comfortably on the floor behind you. Or, you can place your elbows in front of your right shin and go for a forward fold. You might need to place a block under your forehead. (see below) Yogi’s choice. Stay in the pose for around 2-3 minutes while repeating an affirmation for the root chakra. And, do not forget to repeat the pose for the other side. For each side, use a different affirmation.

Paschimottanasana – Seated forward fold

Start with sitting on the floor on your hips, straightening your legs. Keep your legs engaged. Hinge from your hips and draw your belly up and in. Lengthen through your spine and gently fold your body forward. Reach the crown of the head towards your feet. You might need to place a block under your forehead. Stay in the pose for around 2-3 minutes while repeating an affirmation for the root chakra.

Cat Pulling its Tail

Start by lying down on your back. Roll onto your right side. Keeping your right leg straight, bring your left leg to the right side. Bend the right leg, bringing that heel toward your buttock. Reach back with your left hand and grab the right foot. Pull the foot away from you. Straighten your left leg and catch a hold of your left foot with your right hand. If this is too intense for you, you can bend your left leg to your right side and place your right hand on your left knee. Stay in the pose for around 2-3 minutes while repeating an affirmation for the root chakra. Do not forget to repeat the pose for the other side. For each side, use a different affirmation.

Ananda Balasana – Happy Baby

Start with lying down on your back. Bend your knees into your belly. Open your knees slightly wider than your torso, then bring them up toward your armpits. Grip the insides of your feet with your hands or modify the pose by grabbing around the ankles. Keep your chest open, and neck flat on the ground. You can swing from side to side to massage the spine. Stay in the pose for around 2-3 minutes while repeating an affirmation for the root chakra.

Supta Virasana – Reclining Hero Pose

Begin by sitting in Hero Pose (Virasana). Keep your upper body upright and your legs bent back at the knees. Drop the feet on either side of your upper thighs. Bring your hands down to the floor on either side of your hips. Begin to walk your hands back toward your butt as you lean your torso back. Lie on your back and carry your arms over your head. Stay in the pose for around 2-3 minutes while repeating an affirmation for the root chakra.

Finish your practice with 7 minutes Shavasana – Corpse pose.


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