Welcome Your Higher Self with the Full Moon

Let me tell you something unusual about astrology. Our birth charts give us an understanding of our tendencies in this life, ok I know this is not unusual at all. Probably everyone has a clue about this part already. But what I want to mention is different: 

“You are not a person with these tendencies because of the planetary positioning in your birth chart. Your birth chart has this planetary positioning because you chose to come to this life with these tendencies. Your birth chart is a footprint about the possibilities you might encounter during your lifetime which is given to you as a clue from your future self. In other words, your soul chooses to be born in that exact moment!” 

Time is Spiral!

The mind always perceives the time as linear which is one of the most common misunderstandings. Time is not linear. It’s spiral. There are multiple dimensions and universes. We are in the densest universe in this physical realm. In other dimensions and realms, we have the capacity of immediate manifestation of our thoughts and emotions. But in the physical realm, it delays due to density. And this delay is what we call time 🤣 

In truth, there is no such thing as yesterday or tomorrow. All universes have only one timing: now! Our universe is constantly happening in the now. There was no past, there is no future. Your future has already happened in other realms. Never forget, the time we invented is also subjective to the observer. Einstein’s theory of special relativity explains how time dilation occurs even in our daily lives as well:

That’s why you only have control over in your current moment to shape your path. The rest is a complete unknown for the mind. But your soul, your higher consciousness knows the truth. Our souls are able to travel between different dimensions and realms. That’s why our souls know how our current state already manifested instantly in other realms. Therefore they communicate with us and guide us through some signs and through our intuition to carry us to the future that we decided to end up with before coming here. 

How Your Higher Self Communicates with You?

Our higher selves always communicate with us through dreams, through synchronicities, through nature, through impulses, through sensations and through our intuition for our highest good. Because when we are being born into this physical realm, the mind forgets all agreements that we had made before our birth. But the soul doesn’t. The soul knows that you chose your family, your country, your body, your voice, your weaknesses, your strengths, your challenges, and your purpose before coming here. However, the mind creates a different story through the ego which is necessary as a survival mechanism in this physical realm. The remembrance of the true self and all those agreements is the hardest challenge of this game which requires real serious work for most people. Only a minority of people come here by remembering. And some might have a glimpse through near-death experiences. 

You are the Shapeshifter!

Although, birth charts tell a lot about self; we can never say they are certain road maps because of the free will we have in this life. We have our own freedom of choice which shapes our reality second by second according to our current frequency, according to how we vibrate at this very moment. Thus a human is capable to choose different paths in life, capable to change the path he designed before coming here. 

A wise man is the one who masters his stars. Yes, these cosmic giants absolutely have massive energy effects on us but never forget you are the most powerful being in this universe. Your thoughts, your feelings, your words are the orders that shape this universe. Hence your destiny is in your hands. You are the only person who is responsible for the life that you are in. It’s also in your hands to change your life by making wiser decisions. That’s why your birth chart can give you a clue about the path, about the challenges and tendencies you chose for yourself before coming here. However, you can never just assume that it’s going to happen exactly the same way if you do not cooperate with your intuition, with the divine timing and with the rhythm of the universe.

The full moon in Scorpio!

We are in deep waters again. The intuitive and transformative energy of Scorpio is here with us. Some of us have already started to feel overly sensitive because this full moon triggers remembrance. This energy is going to force us to see some deep truths about ourselves and to leave the outdated believes that we were attached to about relationships, family, traditions, and routines. This full moon represents the end of some karmic agreements that we made before coming here. Our intuition is strong and we finally see what should be left behind with no excuse. It’s a special time for us to break free from the karmic patterns and relationships we bound ourselves to through our ego. 

But the messages from our souls are loud and clear. There will be some wounds coming to the surface that we will want to speak out loud to show where we stand. Those wounds will show itself for us to heal permanently. Do not be harsh on yourself or others when these truths start to appear. Stay strong in your ground, speak up your truth with ease and grace, and always be compassionate. This is a deep healing opportunity if we choose to be honest to ourselves and to our feelings. This is an amazing opportunity to grow and transform. But it requires some detachments. It requires you to shed that old skin off so you can continue to a new chapter with a completely different self. 

Remember, life is a constant change.

You don’t owe your old version to anybody. As you evolve, some relationships are gonna disappear from your life, so that better ones can present themselves. Sometimes you need to open up some space first to welcome what is better for your highest good. By holding on to what is familiar, you just block the miracles waiting for you to manifest. If it doesn’t serve you burn it all away and be ready to cut the unnecessary cords.

This is the journey of “being your higher self”. Your wise higher self already knows what is best for you but you gotta listen. You gotta know how to hear the guru within. It’s time to leave the ego behind and heed the messages that your true self conveys you. It’s time to hear your soul. Your higher self is not waiting for you to reach it in the future; it’s here with you in the now, waiting for you to just be. 

If you are interested in the concept of relativity, how time spirals, and how your future self communicates with you; you might enjoy watching the movie “Interstellar”. Happy full moon!

With love. 💕

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  1. MB

    Woke up angry and confused from a dream where my family was putting me in jail without cause. Been anxious, stressed, and borderline depressed lately, and truth be told, I needed this read Ezgi.