Welcome, 2020! Rise Feminine Rise!

We welcome 2020, the year in which divine feminine ascends and divine energies finally begin coming to a balance. Feminine: creative, nurturing, passive, receiver, accepting, intuitive; Masculine: provider, constructor, active, giver, changer, logical. Every soul carries these divine energies regardless of gender. But our world is entirely based on masculine energy.
There’s a feminine wound that’s been carried for centuries. The roots of the feminine wound can be seen in feeling worthy through what we do and achieve. Because we don’t live in a world where we are worthy and valuable as ourselves when we do not prove it with our accomplishments. We receive as much respect and approval as we have achieved. Therefore we try to prove our value with our doings. As humans, all we need is to belong, to be valued and loved. That’s why we keep on “doing” things so that we can gain value through our achievements.
We don’t focus on being better or loving ourselves unconditionally because we don’t even know who we are. As we constantly rush to do something, we just put salt on a bleeding wound and add more fire to the fire of the already outraged masculine.
We don’t trust life. Thinking that we are in famine, we paint our world with scarcity when she is full of fertility. What we can not see is that life pours out even from asphalt, life always gives birth from the most impossible place, it is eternally abundant. And we persistently contribute to the illusion that we will initiate change through our achievements whereas all we need is just to be.
This is the year, we clean this illusion together, my friends. This year we finally begin honoring our being as we all acknowledge the weeping feminine deep inside us. This year we will focus on being present, creating more, and adding more pleasure into our lives rather than focusing on changing, chasing, or achieving.
And this change starts with women first. That is why my sisters -all who have chosen to come to this life as females- we feel a sharp pain in our bodies. That’s why we find ourselves mourning. Together we are clearing this imbalance from the collective. Together we are healing the suppressed feminine wound that has been inherited for many generations by awakening to our worth. As the divine feminine keeps ascending, we will paint the world in the colors of heaven again! And it is happening now. The time has come.
Don’t think you’re alone! Every day I talk with at least dozens of women, sisters from all over the world, We’re in the same place, believe me. We all are feeling the awakening of the divine feminine within us! During this process, just trust yourself, trust the divine wisdom arising within you. You will realize that all you needed was to approach yourself with eternal acceptance from the very beginning, to be yourself as you are without betraying your intuition, without betraying your desires and your truth. Do not fade your colors in order to get along with anyone, or to comply with the culture; live your life as you are, and intentionally choose to shine in your true, authentic colors!
Today marks the day! This year is the beginning of this huge shift!
Always choose yourself, and be yourself cuz you are amazing as you are!
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