The Last Full Moon of the Year 12/12

Ah! What a special full moon at the end of the year! It shakes us up and illuminates us all to remind our purposes, our truth. Every soul comes to this life for a reason, for a purpose. Every soul has its own gifts and qualities. We just need to remember.

When we say we are all one, we are all the same, we refer to higher consciousness which is the source of all of us, and all we see; yet, we are all unique and authentic. The easiest image to describe is: that we are the branches of one tree. We all come from the same roots, we just have our own imprints and qualities in endless possibilities, and we just grow in different shapes and go in different directions, that’s how we enrich one great existence.

But we all belong to the same body, to the same tree. This truth is the only reality that can bring us back to our truth, to the oneness.

12/12 Full Moon in Gemini

Hence the last full moon of 2019 in Gemini comes with a special lesson, inviting us to connect with oneness within, to find the authentic self within, and so to find the God within. This full moon brings clarity about what was holding us back from being our authentic selves; so that we can heal and choose the loving side of us. 

Gemini is known for having double identities; one is super introverted and quiet, other is super extroverted and expressive. Our emotional planet moon shares a glimpse of our hidden identities that were suppressed, buried, forgotten, excluded, and pushed away..

This process is intended for all of us to take a deep look at the sides of ourselves that we need to embrace and make peace with. So that we can shine with our every aspect without any judgment but acceptance: which leads us to meet our authentic self, thus to our higher consciousness. 

Every soul comes here for one specific reason: UNION, not for enlightenment

You are already an enlightened being experiencing a human awakening, which is possible with only authenticity and unity. This is where human growth starts because to be able to unite, you have to see the pieces that create separation in you first. And that’s where our gifts and qualities get involved in the game. The wounds we carry that create separation are also the light we already have to heal, transform, and raise the frequency higher. And our gifts are there to show how we can raise our frequency.

Find Your Authentic Gifts

If you do not remember your gifts yet, you can ask yourself what makes you effortlessly present. Focus on that. Do not worry, you know everything that you need. It will come to you.

We are timeless and endless beings and we came here by making some agreements to share our authenticity and create a world of unity. Till we come to our true self, these agreements serves to show us what really comes from love, and what really comes from fear.

Meanwhile, Venus is in Capricorn

Which means our love planet is withdrawn right now. We all feel a distance, a cool breeze in our relationships because Venus is asking Capricorn to leave outdated, conventional “relationship” definitions that do not serve us anymore.

The key to the path of divine love is being committed to evolving, to the self, not to the people, not to the bodies. We are all one family here, not enemies or competitors. We just serve each other according to the frequency we carry, according to the agreements we made before. 

The person that we are going to experience divine love with already knows the relationships, phases, and struggles that we need to go through before reaching there. If you have doubts about where you are today, and who you are with today, let me tell you; you are exactly where you need to be. When the service is done, the people in your life are also going to disappear. No one no spirit has “bad intentions” at the end of the day. Where you are may seem cruel to the mind from time to time yet; it is perfectly harmonious. It all serves your own growth.

Everyone is there to reflect back where we forgot our true essence: love

Everything happens to bring us to our true selves, which is unconditional love. Love is our higher consciousness, love is our God. We are created from unconditional pure love, and love is the highest frequency in this universe. Everyone is there for us to see the divine light and divine love in every being, but firstly in ourselves. We are all so fukin shining jewels made from love. 

So, do not worry. You can never be off the track. The soul you are going to experience the divine love is waiting for you to come to your true self. That soul might even be your current partner that you can not see because indeed YOU both are not ready.

So just be committed to evolving. Be committed to being your higher self. Your true piece is going to meet you there. Aim to BE (not only to do) your best, and surrender.

Let’s dig in a little bit about air element

With 12/12 full moon in Gemini, the emotions slap us on the face with the air element of Gemini. But it also brings balance in our feminine and masculine energies since the quality of air element is to balance and fill the gap between the fire and water; and builds a harmonious, loving foundation for 2020. It’s an amazing opportunity to release what is not coming from our truth and invite ourselves to the flexibility and balancing capacity of the air element.

Full Moon Ritual

Today, write down all your anger, disappointments, betrayals, and griefs, to make a proper closure to 2019. Burn them down, burn it all away! Wash your crystals under the moonlight, sitting on the ground, and send your roots to the heart of beautiful earth. Invite her divine union essence in you so that you can wash all the parts of you that are deluded due to the idea of separation. Evoke the powers of a peaceful mind, a peaceful heart, and a peaceful, united world.

And never forget, you are endless. You are limitless. 

Just decide what you want to do with your life just to bring more love and more pleasure to yourself as so to the world.

Which way you go, all is full of love.


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  1. Dunia Rose 🌹

    By far the best article I have read as far as feeling truth and alignment coming from every word. Thank you for sharing your beautiful message with us. Aho!