Overproductivity As A Coping Mechanism

Since the system we live in measures our worth based on the things we do, accomplish, or achieve; when we lack self-worth we tend to prove our worth through the things we do and achieve.
Being busy all the time, defining a well-spent day based on productivity, and defining success based on achievements are actually unconscious strategies we develop to feel worthy and reduce unpleasant emotions.
Often we unconsciously prefer being busy because we are not equipped to deal with the emotions we face when we are present, doing nothing.
When we do nothing and just be present in the moment, our suppressed emotions begin to surface and sound louder. It is truly a hard thing to deal with when we do not have healthy outlets and tools to process and alchemize them.
It’s easier to create mundane things and keep ourselves busy so we can quiet those emotions and feel useful and worthy through the hustle and bustle we put ourselves in.
This dysfunctional pattern we are used to operating from is a consequence of the wounded masculine. When we operate from the wounded masculine, we attach our self-worth to our actions. And this pattern is not so hard to observe in our society.
Remember when the pandemic began and we had to stay at our homes, everybody was literally freaking out for not being able to “do” anything!
Because just sitting and doing nothing seems like a waste of time to many. People feel worthless when they don’t “do” something. We are programmed to “do” something so we can “be” something.
However, self-worth should not come from our doings or achievements.
Our “being” is worthy.
We don’t have to “do” or “achieve” anything to prove our worth.
People who struggle with self-worth issues and can not handle their emotions tend to create more work for themselves in life.
That is to say, being busy and overproductive is a sign of emotional unavailability and lack of self-worth.
Mind this information while choosing partners. Because people who can not handle being present with themselves, surely can’t be present with you either.
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