Moon Cycles and Women!

Since we have forgotten our connection with nature, we also have forgotten how much we are related to the cycles of nature. Have you ever paid attention to our bond with the phases of the moon? Have you observed how we have the desire and need to go within during the new moon, and how we get charged with high energy, and experience various eruptions during the full moon?

Why the Moon Affects Us?

We can explain this situation scientifically and astrologically as follows: The moon exposes us to a certain amount of electromagnetic radiation because it reflects and redirects the rays of the Sun on our planet. The Moon completes a tour in Earth’s orbit in 27 days and 7 hours, but; the phases of the Moon repeat every 29.5 days, as the Earth continues to revolve around the Sun. During this tour, as the distance of the Moon to our Earth and the Sun changes, the electromagnetic radiation we are exposed to also changes and this change affects us in many different ways. At the same time, the gravitational force of the Moon directly affects our planet, and the best example of this is the tide.

My Love Astrology!

While observing our galaxy, the masters of ancient times invented the science of Astrology by looking at how the displacement of celestial objects in their orbits affects us according to cosmic rays, electromagnetic waves, and gravitational forces. The origin of astrology dates back to 2500 BC, and this stellar science has been studied by all major civilizations. Based on these studies, the movement in the orbit of the Moon has been found to affect our emotions the most, and “the celestial object that represents emotions” title has been assigned to our satellite. Even if you don’t believe in astrology, I’m sure you’ve heard of the full moon legends and witnessed many people around you turning into a werewolf at full moon 🙂

What is the relationship between the Moon and Women?

The moon represents the water element and hence the feminine essence; the sun represents the fire element and so the masculine essence. We all carry the divine feminine and masculine essence in our bodies regardless of gender. That’s why we all, but especially women, are directly connected to the moon. Even our menstrual cycle is directly related to the cycle of the moon. While Moon completes her tour around our Earth in almost 28 days, we, women complete our cycle in almost 28 days as well.

The new moon is the dark period when our satellite does not reflect the sunshine to us.

Therefore, it is ideal for turning within, resting, observing our emotions, choosing to focus on what we want instead of what it is. As it is the first phase of the moon, it represents new beginnings. Thus, while beginning a new cycle, it is the perfect time to set brand new intentions for what we want to attract to our lives, and what we want to experience.

The full moon is the phase where the moon reflects the sun rays to us with all her magnificence.

The energy gets so powerful during the full moon. Our energy becomes so high that we sometimes cannot control this fierce energy and find ourselves in conflicts. However, it is necessary to remove this energy from the body in healthy ways or use it creatively. The full moon represents completion; it brings an energy that our awareness, creativity, and psychic powers peak. Hence, it is very important to use this energy correctly. We need to focus on where we are at compared to the intentions we set in the new moon, in which matters we have gained clarity, and what we need to leave behind.

If we were not exposed to such light pollution today, most of us would start having our period on the new moon. The amount of moonlight regulates our hormones and affects when the woman enters the ovulation period and when her period will begin. The woman who has menstruation in each new moon enters the ovulation period at the full moon. In other words, the woman, who is rested by the darkness of the new moon, gets ready to express her creative power in the best way during the full moon. Can you see how beautiful our cycle is? It’s so harmonious with nature, so sacred.

White Moon and Red Moon Cycles

For the last two years, I have been trying not to expose myself to light at night. I honor the night in dim light or candlelight with its worth. As a woman who has had menstrual problems throughout her life, I now complete my cycle regularly and smoothly. Of course, the work I have done for years to honor the divine feminine also played a huge role in this. Although menstrual problems are also related to light pollution, they are mainly and directly related to the sacral chakra. Namely, blocked creativity, disgraced femininity, suppressed sexuality, and a sense of guilt; is the main reason for all kinds of menstrual issues.

In these two years, my menstrual cycle became regular and got aligned with the new moon. But in the last two months, it has changed and aligned with the full moon. My body adapted to new cycles as the healer in me awakened.

Because if your cycle is aligned with the new moon or waning moon, it means you have excellent fertility and motherhood qualities. This cycle is called the “white moon cycle”. If your cycle is aligned with the full moon or waxing moon, it means you have excellent healing qualities. This cycle is called the “red moon cycle”. This does not mean that any cycle is better than another. Or all healers should have their periods definitely in the full moon! Our cycles can change many times and align to any phase between the new moon and the full moon due to our needs, our energy, and our relationship with life. The important thing is to determine which phase of the moon we are aligned with and balance and use our own energy accordingly.

My Relationship with the Moon…

For me, the mother moon is sacred. As a healer who works directly with water and fire elements, I hear her and listen to her. I do not neglect my rituals in the new moon and full moon. I know that I am a part of nature, thus I live by honoring the cycles of life. Therefore I honor my own cycles. In the new moon, I focus on how I want to start a new month. I design what I want to give my energy during that month. I determine where I want to see myself at the end of the month. In the full moon, I focus on what is no longer good for me, what I want to leave behind, and what I intend to send from my life and my body.

In one of them, I build a new castle for myself. And in the other one, I burn and destroy what doesn’t serve me anymore to make my castle better, stronger.

Celebration and rituals are important!

But I like to celebrate and bless the full moon energy by dancing the most! The fierce energy that fills our bodies during the full moon carries a vast creative energy. It also gives us the power to transform the energies we want to get rid of. On every full moon, I attend the drum circles or organize ecstatic dance events to honor the full moon by dancing and releasing all my troubles.

If I cannot find an opportunity to release the tension through dance, I certainly do my full moon ritual to burn it all away. I write on paper what I do not want to carry or manifest anymore, what has completed its service and burn the paper under the moonlight. Then I focus on what I want to obtain instead of what I have burned, and I meditate under the moonlight by visualizing the picture that I want to manifest. I recommend these rituals to everyone. You will see the powerful effect of these rituals on your lives in a very short time.

The Biggest Full Moon of the Year: Super Pink Moon!

Every full moon is special but; “Pink Full Moon” in Libra today is another special! As it’s the first full moon of the spring, it is called pink regarding spring flowers. It is also the biggest full moon of the year. In other words, the Moon will become the closest to Earth in this full moon and will enchant us with all its beauty! The full moon in Libra offers us a fabulous spring start in terms of bringing the energy of balance, harmony, and beauty! It is a wonderful time to discover our own beauty and balance the imbalances in our lives.

We can also expect justice in the unfair hardships of our lives since Libra represents divine justice in the Zodiac. The Wheel of Karma will reveal the truth after this full moon. Better be ready! It would be wonderful to focus on what we can do to offer more beauty, harmony, and balance to our lives and to the system we have built with the uplifting energy of the spring and increasing creative energy of the Pink Full Moon!

Libra is an air element sign. So we can say that this full moon will affect the air signs the most. Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius people, this beauty and harmony will hit you the most, you’re in luck! Come on dears, especially women, let’s honor this Pink Full Moon by dancing and meditating!

With the dream of creating a community that connects with and honors the cycles of nature; happy full moon to everyone!!


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