Let’s Talk About Guilt…

For me, all religions tell the same thing: no one is superior to others, we are all one and we all come from the same source. I respect all belief systems and I’m a believer of the Divine, I have always been. Even though I’ve been raised as a Muslim girl, I do not belong to any religious group. I believe; God, or the Higher Consciousness, or the Akasha, whatever you would like to call it, is pure love and I carry a piece of the divine within. My creator is pure love that is not there to condemn or punish me, instead to give me the opportunities so that my soul can evolve, so that I can be my better version and learn how to experience heaven on this earth.

Effects of Religions: Fear, Guilt, Shame!

In the era we live in, we suffer from many concepts as a result of religion. I respect everyone’s belief, however, I kindly want to remind the ones who strictly defend religious books that all those sacred scriptures are being translated by people. Translations carry a subjective understanding since from one sentence everyone might get a different meaning. We should always consider the knowledge might be lost in translation. In time, as we disconnected from nature, we also forgot our own true nature due to the effects of the translated -hence misled- truth within these religious scriptures. 

The concept of “sin” damaged humankind so very deeply and created a huge fear towards our own nature. We imposed on ourselves guilt and shame through the story of Adam and Eve. Shame blocked confidence, guilt blocked pleasure. We are scared to death to make a mistake in this life not to be a sinner, we are deluded with the idea of “happily ever after”… That’s why we try to keep ourselves safe(!) from making a “mistake“. Yet we still try to avoid pain. Today I’m standing here to clear this illusion from the collective and telling you: you can never ever make a mistake in this life and all the pain you’ve been through is necessary for your growth! You either win or learn, you can never lose! You can never ever be guilty! You can cause harm due to your ignorance but you’re innocent always. There is no such thing as sin or a mistake, there is just more love needed! And life is a game to teach you how you can love more. 

A sincere talk about guilt!

Fear is the biggest evil!

A fear-driven humankind can destroy the universe because fear, guilt, and shame are the lowest frequencies which are enough to create separation and otherization. That’s why the sin concept is created by power-oriented minds and a huge destruction is happening right now. Fear and scarcity creates more ambition and separation, to achieve and have more, to gain more power. Since we are made to believe the concepts of heaven and hell, good and evil; due to the fear of punishment and the desire of reward; we are not able to see, our own thoughts and own judgments create evil and hell already.

What we forget is we ARE this universe. Our beliefs, our judgments, our wishes, our aversions, our desires create this universe in every second. That’s why in every religion, in every culture you see phrases like “your fear is going to be your neighbor”, “what goes around comes around”, “as within so without”. We also encounter the “destiny” and “will power” concepts in every religion. It may seem contradictory however it is pretty consistent. Life is perfectly in order which is so hard to perceive with the mind. 

What the mind perceives is not enough to understand this existence!

In this life, the mind can perceive circumstances as cruel but there are deeper agreements in between which are more complicated than the mind can analyze and rationalize. Mind’s nature is analytical and reasonable, it codes and stores the causes and effects of yesterday according to the past experiences and then tries to keep you safe for tomorrow. That’s why life may seem so cruel to the mind, which it is not indeed. 

The Observer Effect

In this physical realm, everyone is an observer of the same higher consciousness and every experiment gets affected by the observer. So we’re here like a never-ending fractal which creates this physical reality according to our observations and judgments. Every experience in this realm is needed for souls to evolve. When we judge each other and this life from the mind level, it’s so easy to accuse someone as guilty. But there is a deeper purpose in life on the soul level. 

Everyone goes through exactly what they need to evolve into their higher selves. Therefore there is no such thing as a mistake, there is nothing to feel guilty about. We all pass through the experiences that are going to bring us closer to ourselves, to our creator; until we realize we are given a part of God’s light as our souls and embrace our own power. This is a journey of consciousness evolution. This is a journey for souls.

“We’re all just walking each other home.”

Baba Ram Dass

The Ultimate Truth!

If you try to get out of your mind and connect with your breath, emotions, and the sensations that emotions create; a new door will be opening in your heart -the only place that essentials can be seen-. The heart talks to you through your intuition. When you connect with your inner wisdom there is only one truth: every rigid thought of yours is an order for this universe! Every strongly manifested vibration is inevitable to happen! But be careful what you wish for you just might get it, right? Cause every strong fear, every aversion; in brief, any negativity that strongly vibrates is also inevitable to happen.

Here is where “will power” starts so a person can create a mindful and joyful life for thyself. Yet, it is impossible to design when and how the manifested thought or conditioning is gonna happen. Hence we call it “destiny”. You gotta trust life and live in harmony with its flow.

Find God within You!

I encourage you to go within until you find God within you and try to understand how you contribute to creating this physical reality. It looks like spirituality has nothing to do with science. But as you delve into metaphysics or quantum physics and start to work with energy, it’s inevitable to end up with God. I studied metaphysics, quantum mechanics, and alchemy; and learned that everything is energy and everything carries some amount of consciousness to be able to hold their atoms together. In this universe, everything is connected to each other. (if you’re curious, check quantum entanglement experiments

We’re all one and together in this journey. So please stop judging yourself and others, and finding someone to accuse. We all learn by experiencing this life through our own consciousness level and as we rise up in consciousness we begin to create different experiences for ourselves. Instead of judging yourself or others, please start questioning fear, guilt, and shame that we are exposed to by religious thoughts and some authorities. You are free to believe in whatever you want, you are free to worship however you want. But if the religion you believe supports dominance and creates separation, I kindly invite you to question what makes you more special than the other beings that are created by the same God. 

No one is Guilty!

Always remind yourself, everyone -including you- is doing their best in their level of consciousness. So how, who can be guilty? Everyone is precious from the Divine’s eyes. No one is superior, no one is inferior. Everyone is equal and the same. And everyone is here to learn. Everyone is here to go through the experiences they need to evolve into their higher selves.

Thus, forgive yourself for your past, forgive others who hurt you. Forgiving does not mean exposing yourself to the same situations again. It means letting go of that burden, trying to see why those experiences have happened and learn the lesson not to repeat them. Everyone is there for you to love yourself more, love this existence more, and connect with the creator more. The rest is just a part of the service for you to evolve; to bring you to love, unity and acceptance.

May all beings be happy and liberated. So it is.


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