Human is Human!

I’m a traveler, I’m a nomad. I’ve been to 27 countries and 4 states so far. And countless cities all over the world. I travel to observe and study “human”.

Every country has a different culture, different philosophies, different values, traditions, beliefs, music, food, climate, wonders…

But human is human everywhere.

Fear is the same, worry is the same, happiness is the same, love is the same.

Religions are different but conservatism is the same!

Everyone has similar struggles, the wounds are the same.

Human is human.

It makes me question, how come did we create a system where everyone suffers and feels alone?

How come did we decide to work at least 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, and spend all our precious time to make money for all our lives and wait for death in fear?

Do you really think that we come here to spend our lives like this?

I know everyone suffers from the same system that we built, so how do we still contribute to the system?

How we still are a part of this illusion? How we can start a change?

Look at the education system, we teach our children to get a degree to “be” something, to have a comfortable life, and we make them study from age 5 to 21. Isn’t it so cruel?

What about health care? If you have the money you can go to the hospital to get some medicine that numbs you temporarily, most probably has side effects, causes different issues and doesn’t even heal the root cause of your disease.

Governments created a system that stereotypes people, destroys authenticity, washes people’s brain with bullshit, and call it education so that we can be a manageable herd until we die.

Don’t you think this outdated conventional system came to its due?

I imagine and manifest a conscious life in which everyone lives in joy; a human race that is aware of its own creative power and lives freely in unity.

It is possible if we choose ourselves instead of choosing fear.

Are you with me?

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