Happy New Moon in Cancer!

Happy New Moon Fam!
With this new moon in Cancer, we are going through a deep karmic release from the collective. Let me tell you which karmic wound is being released: Victimhood.
Victimhood is one of the oldest programmings that has been inherited for many generations. And unfortunately, it’s one of the most common wounds I observe. I keep hearing from my friends and clients “my abuser did this to me”, “he/she is a narcissist”, “he/she should be canceled and not be allowed in here/there”, or “I’m just trying to protect/save other women/men” etc.
I know this topic is so sensitive to many. But as a woman who also has been physically, emotionally, mentally, and sexually abused, I want to be a divine mirror to you and kindly invite you to see the depths of this conditioning.
Victimhood is giving our power away.
Victimhood is not taking accountability for our own choices and experiences.
Victimhood is passive-aggressive emotional manipulation.
Victimhood is avoiding the narcissist and abuser within us that made us allow to be treated that way.
If you came across a narcissist and/or were abused in any way, actually, it was not to punish you, it was to show you:
- Where you tend to betray your own needs to please others
- Where you tend to follow others’ words rather than your intuition
- Where you tend to refuse to listen to your body response
- Where you tend to self-sacrifice in the name of love
- Where you tend to stay in unsafe places just because it is familiar
And it was to bring you home!
To yourself.
To your inner knowing and guidance.
I know, the hurt of those unpleasant experiences takes a long time to heal, yet I’m praying for all who have been through abuse to see the highest service in all agreements.
Because if there is “me and others” in any statement,
if there is blame and pointing out;
there is a lot of work to do.
And today is a huge breakthrough opportunity for us when it comes to victimhood. You might see the events and situations from a higher perspective and honor everyone involved. You might see the gifts of those painful memories that allowed you to become stronger and more self-aware today. You might choose to own your power and be accountable for all the choices you made just because you didn’t know any better. You might choose to forgive yourself and others who hurt you.
We learn life through pain.
We learn love through what love is not.
If you take people’s pain away, you take their lessons away.
“Casting yourself as a victim is the antithesis of doing your work.” says Steven Pressfield.
So stop victimizing yourself or others.
Stop using “protecting others” as an excuse for the vengeance of your pain.
We are not here to save or rescue anyone.
We are here to learn how to love ourselves better so we can love others better.
We are here to learn how to honor ourselves better so we can honor others better.
We are here to better ourselves so we can better our experiences hence better our world.
And now, thanks to all those shitty experiences; you know how to love and honor yourself better. You know how to choose better.
This new moon in Cancer holds yin energy, asks for inner contemplation and says “welcome home”.
And home is you.
Nowhere, no one else.
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