Dang Change!

Change is the only constant in life, change is inevitable.
Transformation is the only certain thing to expect from life.

So, don’t fear change.
Accept it.
You are meant to change so as life.

There is no other way.

Your best self is waiting for you to shed your skin over and over till you touch the infinite source within you.

Embrace the unknown and surrender to change.
Surrender to what life holds ahead for you.

And trust that everything is working perfectly for you.

Open your heart to the endless possibilities of life and create simple pleasures for yourself in each moment.

Get used to creating comfort in discomfort.

Try finding peace and happiness in everything while flowing with life freely and lovingly.

Live a life so you can greet death when it shows up..
With wide arms open..
With no regret..
Knowing you enjoyed each second of your existence to the fullest. Stop making plans, stop chasing achievements.

Stop living for tomorrow.

Be here, now.
At this very moment.
Feel your breath.
Take a look around you, feel the air touching your skin..
Feel all living beings, all creatures dancing around you..
Celebrating life.

Let those beautiful frequencies conquer you, let their peace and harmony become yours.

Just dream, just ask, and let your wise soul guide you for your purpose.. Let it take you to the places that you’ve never imagined.

To where you are meant to be.
To whom you are meant to be.

Let the universe work through you.
This life is not a journey.
There is no destination.
It’s a musical.

So do not miss any second.

Feel it all.
Live it all.
Music is the essence of this universe.
Sounds are the breath of Mother Earth, drums are her heartbeat.
Feel her melody in your heart.

And let go of anything else…

At the end…
Everything changes.

Life is a constant change.

The only thing that remains the same is the song of this universe.
Can you hear it?

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