Open Invite to the Sacred Coven of WWW

Hi, precious goddesses! This is an announcement of a new community!

As wombmen, we all feel the endless sorrow of being a wombman in a society shaped around outdated values and the bitter pain of living in a world made for men, made by men.. If you want to unapologetically embrace your femininity and liberate yourself from all obligations and rules that come with this man-made world; come be a part of this community so we can claim and create the life we deserve all together!

Welcome to the Sacred Coven of Wise Wild Wombmen (WWW) global community. This community is built for wombmen from all over the world to share, grow, and play together. 

I am Ezgi Devi, the founder of the WWW community. I am a lightworker, a spiritual guide, and a teacher who is devoted to empowering wombmen and building a new sustainable system in harmony with human nature. Above all, I am a soul that has been through many hardships in life as a wombman and still walks with resilience. I have been raised with shame and guilt in a conservative society, I witnessed a war when I was a kid, I’ve been through manipulative and abusive relationships, I have been exposed to physical/emotional violence and sexual abuse.. I know, some of you already related to my experiences, my sistars. I know how hard it is to deal with life sometimes… This community is built to come together as wombmen, to share our experiences openly, and remind each other how strong and capable we are!!! 

We are not alone, we are fuckin together in this!! 

And we are better, stronger together!!

If you want to be supported in each step you take, if you want to connect with other wombmen on a deeper level, if you want to learn healthy tools to overcome the hardships of life, if you want to be free, confident, and comfortable in your skin, if you want to find your authentic voice and shine; this community is for you! If you hear the call to be a part of this global community, please keep reading further information. 

Sacred Coven of WWW is created for a purpose: to empower wombmen, be the change that we are looking for, and to unite; to be one heart, one voice! In this circle, I will be sharing my teachings, educational and empowering videos/audios, collective energy updates, and my personal experiences. Somedays, we will have special guests: healers and teachers from all over the world. Somedays, we are gonna have donation-based online activities. Be ready for many more surprises! It’s gonna be so much fun! But not always… We all know, it’s not always butterflies and rainbows.. Growing is a painful process and healing from the wounds takes time… In our circle, we will also learn how to honor our pain when it comes to the surface. We will hold space for the pain we go through and cry together as well. In this circle, we will honestly embrace all the facets of being human altogether, including our shadows.

The goal is to use this platform as a free and safe space to open up, connect and learn from each other. The goal is to create a new world together by coming to our true power! However, if we want to create a new world, we need to have a new structure for society! Therefore in this community, we have some terms and conditions. 

  1. This is a place of love. All shapes, all colors, all experiences are accepted and honored as they are. In this group it is not allowed to show any act of racism, hatred or any behavior that creates separation. 
  2. This is a place of acceptance. This circle is created to respect each other’s experiences and learn from them. In this group, it is not allowed to share any judgmental thoughts around the stories being shared. Please have understanding towards anyone and any experience from a place of compassion
  3. This is a place of trust. All personal information shared within the group is strictly confidential. It is not allowed to share stories of others outside the group without permission. What happens in WWW stays in WWW.
  4. As the space holder of this huge wombmen circle, I want to kindly remind you that our circle is not built to give advises to each other. This group is created to release the burden of the hardships we go through, lift the weight off our shoulders and be supported in whatever the situation it is. If you need guidance in your personal experience from me, or from other wombmen in the group, please remember to mention your need so we can answer that. If a need around guidance is not mentioned in shared experience, it is not allowed to give advises around the stories of others.
  5. This is a place of encouragement. To shine in our true colors, it is vital to learn how to own our story as it is. In this group, it is encouraged to be comfortable with who we are and what we have been/are going through, and speak up! 
  6. Please remember, each week, there will be a theme given by me or a special guest. Shared personal experiences should always support the given theme so we can expand our consciousness topic by topic. 
  7. This is not a feminist, or menhater circle. We are here to honor every human being regardless of gender as aware and compassionate wombmen. In this group, it is not allowed to accuse or blame men.
  8. This is not a religious circle. All belief systems are respected and welcomed. The given practices and tools can be applied hand in hand with any belief system. Please do not hesitate to contact me in person, if you ever have concerns about any specific practice.
  9. This is a place of joy! Please always cherish and support every wombman in our community, and always show love to every sistar in our circle! 
  10. You are more than welcome to invite other wombmen to our community. Due to sensitive, real and raw content, participants have to be +18.

By staying in this circle, you automatically accept the terms and conditions. Any behavior against the terms and conditions will be kindly warned and removed from the group. We do have unconditional acceptance and love for everyone, however, the behaviors that are not aligned with unity, wholeness, compassion, and love are not going to be tolerated. 

Welcome to the beginning of a new era, my gorgeous goddesses!!!

I am super excited about the things we are about to share! This is not a journey with a destination! This is a musical with high and low notes; that we don’t know how to dance in harmony with it yet! We are going to learn how to honor, accept and celebrate this magical life by bringing mindfulness and joy into every second of it! So come out and play with me, queens! I’m committed to supporting you, reminding you how amazing and strong you are, I’m here for you to show up in your life with your best version!

Never forget my sistars, we deserve to be our true selves unapologetically and shine bright af in our true colors!!!

Our community is open to everyone who identifies themselves as a female, woman, or any other embodiment of the Divine Feminine. Wise Wild Wombmen is a call to unite and be the change that we are looking for! If you want to be a part of this community you can sign up here.

I love you immensely with all my heart, 



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