A Message for Lightworkers!

I wanna talk about an often misunderstanding for lightworkers today. About mirroring each other in our physical reality. I bet you have seen so many posts about the law of attraction, how people and situations enter your reality. I also kept writing that, everything you see in your reality reflects a part of you. This is true but is also so open to misunderstanding. So let’s clarify.

The first thing to underline!

This reflection we mentioned here is not a physical reflection. Everybody matches your frequency through an energetic level. If you face liars, gossipers, or manipulators, if you find yourself in dishonesty, games, and betrayals, it is not because you are any of those things, or you carry any of those traits. It’s because you carry a frequency that attracts all of these abusive experiences: probably you’re not brave enough to speak up your truth or you tend to cover up all of this shit because while you were growing, you have learned to stay quiet when confronted with this dysfunction in your family and called it love.

Truth! Truth! Truth!

But, never forget, we are here to talk about the truth. If there is shit on the floor, there is shit on the floor. It doesn’t matter who shit on the floor. It’s nobody’s fault because everyone is doing the best they can with their current state of consciousness. But the shit is still there, and it has to be talked about. It’s not blaming, it’s not reprimanding. It’s something that needs to be cleaned up.

When we, the lightworkers, face this unpleasant picture, we might also tend to take it on, look within and ask ourselves which piece these people reflect back at us that we carry within so we can bring more love into those situations and people. We even may blame ourselves for not knowing what unconditional love is. No, my friends. That’s not the case.

The case is, we face these issues, these experiences and people so we can understand “what love is not”. We can only connect with divine love by going through these experiences so that we can acknowledge what pure love is and come to the truth, how divine love doesn’t contain any bad intentions or abuse.

Trust life, we’re not here to save anyone!

I know, when we face these shitty experiences through our family or our beloved ones, we also don’t wanna leave anyone behind, and we wanna carry everyone we love with us as well. But never forget, it also comes from attachment, not from divine love. We already ARE love. And everyone is exactly where they need to be. Everyone is on their own journey at their own pace, therefore everyone is safe.

That’s another thing that we need to learn as lightworkers. We’re not here to save anyone. We are here to lead to happiness, freedom, and peace by being an example. We can not drag the ones who are not ready for the next level. So we need to learn to respect the people around us and where they are in their journey. Try to keep your frequency up, this is the gift you bring into the universe.

When you speak the truth, you raise the frequency!

So do not fear to speak up your truth and talk about the facts. The facts and truth are going to raise the frequency of this universe and give an opportunity to others to rise up as well. This is a common and innocent mistake that all lightworkers can make because we don’t wanna point out the misery, we don’t wanna give our energy to this so we try to cover it up instead. Because we know the truth: we know that every being comes from the same source, from the same love; that’s why we want to gloss over all the shitty things around us.

Stay patient when you speak up and set boundaries!

Even when we realize we were being manipulated because of the love we have for all beings, and decide to speak up our truth, the abusers might tell us that we’re rejecting a part of us, or they are just mirrors to us. They might try to manipulate our love even when we choose the truth, when we choose ourselves, when we choose divine love.

Just know that this physical reality is being shaped according to our frequency, not according to our characteristics. Sometimes we attract people who mirror our beauty back at us, sometimes we attract people who are desperately in need of who we are to show them what they can be. So that we can trust our intuition and not try to fit into dysfunctional relationships under the name of love so that both sides can grow.

No more crap!

And that’s exactly why we’re here, my light family, not to cover up the bullshit anymore. YOU KNOW the truth and that’s enough. Ask yourself  “how I can raise my frequency and speak my truth so that this lower frequency can be eradicated from my reality?” and just trust your intuition, choose divine love even if it means cutting all the cords that you have built around you. Remember your duty, choose your path, never be afraid to speak up when you see shit on the floor. When you see the misery of those people, wish them healing, have compassion and gratitude because they are there to bring you closer to your true self. You’re gonna clear so much bullshit on this path. Stay strong, stay aware and always believe in yourself.


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