A Huge Shift In the Divine Feminine

Today I feel the energy of goddess Kali in my bones so very deeply. Destroying egoic constructs to initiate a soul-led path.
I feel wild, fierce, empowered, and all-loving.
I feel the beauty of darkness and destruction since it’s the only way that leads to light and creation.
I feel the deepest and untamed parts of my psyche want to roar, soar and destroy what needs to be cleared for better to enter.
And boom! This poetry pops out of nowhere!
I feel so affirmed in my true essence. No coincidence, it’s synchronicity baby! 👁🖤👁
“I am a part of the group of wild ones,
us women who speak to the moon.
We crave passion,
live with wide-open hearts,
and we wear our hearts on our sleeves too.
Often told we are too much,
but taming our spirit isn’t something we’ll ever do.
Wild women are an unexplainable spark of life.
They ooze freedom and seek awareness,
they belong to nobody but themselves
give a piece of who they are to everyone they meet.
If you have met one, hold on to her,
she’ll allow you into her chaos
but she’ll also show you her magic.”
~ Nikki Rowe
Does it resonate with you too goddesses? 🧚🏻♀️✨
Collectively we are going through a huge transition where we all might feel the ascension of the divine feminine qualities within us. From doing to being, from hurry to calmness, from plans to flow, from fitting in to standing out, from living for tomorrow to honoring the day, from people-pleasing to self-worth…..
Regardless of gender, are you feeling this huge shift in the divine feminine too? 🍀
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